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HTML <option> tagHTML <option> tag is used to define options in a dropdown list within <select> or <datalist> element. A dropdown list must have at least one <option> element. The related <option> of a dropdown list can be grouped using <optgroup> element which helps to understand a large list. Tips: The <option> tag can be used without any attribute, but it should be used with value attribute which specifies what send to the server.Syntax<option value="">.....</option> Following are some specifications about the HTML <option> tag
Example<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Option Tag</title> <style> body{ text-align: center;} </style> </head> <body> <h2>Example of option tag</h2> <form> <select> <option>-------Select Your Favorite Color----------</option> <option value="yellow" style="color: violet;">Violet</option> <option value="white" style="color: blue;">Blue</option> <option value="black" style="color: black;">Black</option> <option value="green" style="color: green;">green</option> <option value="red" style="color: red;">Red</option> </select> </form> </body> Output: ![]() Attribute:Tag-specific attributes:
Global attribute:HTML <option> tag supports the global attributes in HTML Event attribute:HTML <option> tag supports the event attributes in HTML. Supporting Browsers
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