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HTML Header TagHTML <header> tag is used as a container of introductory content or navigation links. Generally a <header> element contains one or more heading elements, logo or icons or author's information. You can use several <header> elements in one document, but a <header> element cannot be placed within a <footer>, <address> or another <header> element. HTML Header Tag Example<header> <h2>ABCOnline.com</h2> <p> World's no.1 shopping website</p> </header> Output: ABCOnline.comWorld's no.1 shopping website Let's see another example of header tag with CSS code. CSS Code: header{ border: 1px solid pink; background-color:pink; padding:10px; border-radius:5px; } HTML Code: <header> <h2>ABCOnline.com</h2> <p> World's no.1 shopping website</p> </header> Output: ABCOnline.comWorld's no.1 shopping website Supporting Browsers
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